Project Roles
Project Roles#
We find it helps to have clearly defined roles for everyone who is engaged in hackweek projects:

Project Leadership#
Lead Project Coordinator#
The Lead Project Coordinator will help to assess what projects are possible and to align projects with programmatic objectives if applicable. They will be active on communication platforms such as Slack to encourage participants to pitch ideas before the hackweek, and to communicate the process, roles and responsibilities of working in collaborative teams. During the event they might facilitate project team formation and embed with teams to guide collaborations, resolve conflicts and define what is possible within the allotted time.
Collaboration Consultant#
The Collaboration Consultant is a member of the UW eScience Team who helps to create the conditions for participants and organizers to function well together in teams. They will share best practices to guide project formation, team building and collaboation, conflict resolution and generating random connections through social interactions.
Project Teams#
We invite everyone to be a participant in a project team. There are two additional roles for participants that we encourage you to consider:
Project Team Lead#
The role of Project Team Lead is to guide the collaborative project work before, during and sometimes after the hackweek. Specific tasks could include:
pitching an idea for a project
gathering together a team and helping each person get clear on their individual goals during the project work
facilitating relationship-building and development of collaborative structures among the team
helping everyone design project work that is within the scope of the hackweek
Project Helper#
Each project might have one or several Project Helpers. Their role is often to:
offer technical guidance on a specific data science tool or topic in which they have expertise
help team members navigate collaboration technologies like JupyterHub and GitHub
offer a deeper-dive on content touched on during tutorials