Snow Depth - ICESat-2 Applications Tutorial#

Learning Objectives

  • gain experience in working with SlideRule to access and pre-process ICESat-2 data

  • learn how use projections and interpolation to compare ICESat-2 track data with gridded raster products

  • develop a general understanding of how to measure snow depths with LiDAR, and learn about opportunities and challenges when using ICEsat-2 along-track products


How do we measure snow depth with LiDAR?#

LiDAR is a useful tool for collecting high resolution snow depth maps over large spatial areas.

Snow depth is measured from LiDAR by differencing a snow-free LiDAR map from snow-covered LiDAR map of the same area of interest.


Fig. 6 Snow depth differencing calculation diagram from Deems et al.#


Fig. 7 Example snow pack map from Deems et al.#

Can we do this with ICESat-2?#

Yes! By differencing snow-covered ICESat-2 transects from snow-free maps we can calculate snow depths!

Calculating snow depth from ICESat-2 is a little different from other LiDAR snow depth methods as ICESat-2 is a transect of points not gridded raster data and ICESat-2 tracks do not repeat regularly in the mid-latitudes. So we need a independently collected snow-free map of our region of interest for comparison to ICESat-2 and we need to put our snow-free data in a form which it can be differenced from snow-on ICESat-2 data.

In this tutorial we will show an example of how to compare ICESat-2 data to raster data.


Fig. 8 Example of ICESat-2 tracks over a snow-free digital terrain model of Dry Creek Experimental Watershed (Zikan)#

What do we need to calculate snow depth from ICESat-2?#

  • A region of interest

  • ICESat-2 data

  • A snow-free reference DEM

What are some of the things we need to think about when we compare ICESat-2 and Raster data?#

Geolocation: In order to have usable results it is important that ICESat-2 and the raster data are lined up properly. Even small ofsets can create large errors, and this effect gets worse in rugged terrain.


Fig. 9 Top: 2-D scheme of elevation differences induced by a DEM shift. Bottom: The scatter of elevation differences between 2 DEMs showing the relationship between the vertical deviations normalized by the slope tangent (y-axis) and terrain aspect (x-axis). (Nuth and Kääb)#

Vegetation: Incorrectly categorized vegetation returns can positively bias our ground or snow surface estimation. Additionally dence vegetation can reduce the number of photon returns.

Slope Affects: Rugged terrain increases uncertanty in ICESat-2 returns and increases the impact of offesets between ICESat-2 and the raster data, as shown in the above Nuth and Kääb figure. Additionally steep slopes can negatively bias our ground or snow surface estimation.

Computing environment#

We’ll be using the following open source Python libraries in this notebook:

import rioxarray
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pyproj import CRS, Proj, transform, Transformer
from sliderule import sliderule, icesat2, earthdata, h5
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from shapely import wkt

# Fancier plotting tools
from cartopy import crs
import geoviews as gv
import geoviews.feature as gf
from geoviews import dim, opts
import geoviews.tile_sources as gts
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
/tmp/ipykernel_380/ UserWarning: Shapely 2.0 is installed, but because PyGEOS is also installed, GeoPandas will still use PyGEOS by default for now. To force to use and test Shapely 2.0, you have to set the environment variable USE_PYGEOS=0. You can do this before starting the Python process, or in your code before importing geopandas:

import os
os.environ['USE_PYGEOS'] = '0'
import geopandas

In a future release, GeoPandas will switch to using Shapely by default. If you are using PyGEOS directly (calling PyGEOS functions on geometries from GeoPandas), this will then stop working and you are encouraged to migrate from PyGEOS to Shapely 2.0 (
  import geopandas as gpd
/srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geoviews/operation/ HoloviewsDeprecationWarning: 'ResamplingOperation' is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.18, use 'ResampleOperation2D' instead.
  from holoviews.operation.datashader import (


We will use SlideRule to acquire ATL06 data as well as the gridded data, noting customization for averaging footprint, photon identification: this will be a modified ATL06 download that includes some vegetation filtering

Data considerations:

To obtain snow depth with ICESat-2, we are going to use SlideRule for its high level of customization. We are going to look at snow depth data over the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska, which is a relatively flat region with little vegetation. Thus, we should expect good agreement between ICESat-2 and our lidar rasters of interest.

Initialize SlideRule#

# Initialize SlideRule

Define Region of Interest#

After we initialize SlideRule, we define our region of interest. Notice that there are two options in the cell below. This is because SlideRule accepts either the coordinates of a box/polygon or a geoJSON for the region input.

We are going to use the sliderule.icesat2.toregion() function in this tutorial using a pre-generated polygon, but we have the secondary method included for your personal reference.

Bounding box method#

# Define region of interest over ACP, Alaska
region = [ {"lon":-148.85, "lat": 69.985},
           {"lon":-148.527, "lat": 69.985},
           {"lon":-148.527, "lat": 70.111},
           {"lon":-148.85, "lat": 70.111},
           {"lon":-148.85, "lat": 69.985} ]
[{'lon': -148.85, 'lat': 69.985},
 {'lon': -148.527, 'lat': 69.985},
 {'lon': -148.527, 'lat': 70.111},
 {'lon': -148.85, 'lat': 70.111},
 {'lon': -148.85, 'lat': 69.985}]

geoJSON method#

# Alternate method, with geoJSON
path = 'supplemental-data/'
region = sliderule.toregion(f'{path}acp_lidar_box.geojson')["poly"]
[{'lon': -148.7038119122077, 'lat': 69.9881603600183},
 {'lon': -148.5326070950319, 'lat': 70.0786897012734},
 {'lon': -148.6703586035892, 'lat': 70.1090427433155},
 {'lon': -148.8412106535782, 'lat': 70.01838230073595},
 {'lon': -148.7038119122077, 'lat': 69.9881603600183}]

Build SlideRule request#

Now we are going to build our SlideRule request by defining our ICESat-2 parameters.

Since we want the ATL06 product we will use the icesat2.atl06p() function in this tutorial. You can find other SlideRule functions and more detail on the icesat2.atl06p() function on the SlideRule API reference.

We won’t use every parameter in this tutorial, but here is a reference list for some of them. More information can be found in the SlideRule users guide.



  • poly: polygon defining region of interest

  • track: reference pair track number (1, 2, 3, or 0 to include for all three; defaults to 0)

  • rgt: reference ground track (defaults to all if not specified)

  • cycle: counter of 91-day repeat cycles completed by the mission (defaults to all if not specified)

  • region: geographic region for corresponding standard product (defaults to all if not specified)

  • t0: start time for filtering granules (format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, e.g. 2018-10-13T00:00:00Z)

  • t1: stop time for filtering granuels (format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ, e.g. 2018-10-13T00:00:00Z)

  • srt: surface type: 0-land, 1-ocean, 2-sea ice, 3-land ice, 4-inland water

  • cnf: confidence level for photon selection, can be supplied as a single value (which means the confidence must be at least that), or a list (which means the confidence must be in the list)

  • atl08_class: list of ATL08 classifications used to select which photons are used in the processing (the available classifications are: “atl08_noise”, “atl08_ground”, “atl08_canopy”, “atl08_top_of_canopy”, “atl08_unclassified”)

  • maxi: maximum iterations, not including initial least-squares-fit selection

  • H_min_win: minimum height to which the refined photon-selection window is allowed to shrink, in meters

  • sigma_r_max: maximum robust dispersion in meters

  • compact: return compact version of results (leaves out most metadata)


Warning: Interrupt the kernel if the following cell takes to long to run!

If everyone runs this at once we might overwhelm SlideRule, an example dataframe is provided for this tutorial later

# Build SlideRule request
# Define parameters
parms = {
    "poly": region,
    "srt": icesat2.SRT_LAND,
    "cnf": icesat2.CNF_SURFACE_HIGH,
    "atl08_class": ["atl08_ground"],
    "ats": 5.0,
    "len": 20.0,
    "res": 10.0,
    "maxi": 5

# Calculated ATL06 dataframe
is2_df = icesat2.atl06p(parms, "nsidc-s3")

# Display top of the ICESat-2 dataframe
distance dh_fit_dx rgt pflags cycle spot n_fit_photons segment_id h_sigma w_surface_window_final h_mean rms_misfit gt dh_fit_dy geometry
2018-11-10 12:34:28.892227584 1.226097e+07 -0.020650 655 0 1 5 10 612118 0.082734 3.0 42.515685 0.261562 20 0.0 POINT (-148.79276 70.01618)
2018-12-12 22:17:07.551062272 7.807696e+06 -0.002470 1150 0 1 2 54 389532 0.015306 3.0 43.945144 0.111972 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67702 70.00233)
2018-12-12 22:17:07.552469760 7.807706e+06 -0.001858 1150 0 1 2 54 389533 0.014800 3.0 43.911763 0.107915 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67706 70.00242)
2018-12-12 22:17:07.553876480 7.807716e+06 -0.004367 1150 0 1 2 50 389533 0.016673 3.0 43.879276 0.117839 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67709 70.00251)
2018-12-12 22:17:07.555285760 7.807726e+06 -0.008977 1150 0 1 2 49 389534 0.021947 3.0 43.814805 0.152915 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67712 70.00260)

Subseting the data#

You probably noticed that the algorithm took a long time to generate the GeoDataFrame. That is because (i) our region of interest was rather large and (ii) we obtained all ICESat-2 tracks in the ROI since its launch (2018).

For the sake of interest, let’s take a look at all of the ICESat-2 tracks over ACP, Alaska.

# Sample plot for all of the ICESat-2 tracks since its launch

# Calculate Extent
lons = [p["lon"] for p in region]
lats = [p["lat"] for p in region]
lon_margin = (max(lons) - min(lons)) * 0.1
lat_margin = (max(lats) - min(lats)) * 0.1

# Create Plot
fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(num=None, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 6))
box_lon = [e["lon"] for e in region]
box_lat = [e["lat"] for e in region]

# Plot SlideRule Ground Tracks
ax1.set_title("SlideRule Zoomed Ground Tracks")
ROI = is2_df.plot(ax=ax1, column=is2_df["h_mean"], cmap='winter_r', s=1.0, zorder=3)
ax1.plot(box_lon, box_lat, linewidth=1.5, color='r', zorder=2)
ax1.set_xlim(min(lons) - lon_margin, max(lons) + lon_margin)
ax1.set_ylim(min(lats) - lat_margin, max(lats) + lat_margin)
ax1.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

# Plot SlideRule Global View
ax2.set_title("SlideRule Global Reference")
world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
world.plot(ax=ax2, color='0.8', edgecolor='black')
is2_df.plot(ax=ax2, column=is2_df["h_mean"], cmap='winter_r', s=1.0, zorder=3)
ax2.plot(box_lon, box_lat, linewidth=1.5, color='r', zorder=2)
ax2.set_xlim(min(lons)-1, max(lons)+1)
ax2.set_ylim(min(lats)-1, max(lats)+1)
ax2.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

# Show Plot

It is cool to see all of the available data, but we only have lidar DEMs available from March 2022. So, we are going to subset the data to include one ICESat-2 track (RGT 1097) in March 2022.

# Subset ICESat-2 data to single RGT, time of year
is2_df_subset = is2_df[is2_df['rgt']==1097]
is2_df_subset = is2_df_subset.loc['2022-03']

# Display top of dataframe
distance dh_fit_dx rgt pflags cycle spot n_fit_photons segment_id h_sigma w_surface_window_final h_mean rms_misfit gt dh_fit_dy geometry
2022-03-04 02:48:03.241118976 1.225157e+07 0.000780 1097 0 14 5 199 611652 0.009799 3.0 25.018173 0.138202 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67388 70.10714)
2022-03-04 02:48:03.242518016 1.225158e+07 0.002869 1097 0 14 5 195 611653 0.010362 3.0 25.020354 0.144591 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67391 70.10705)
2022-03-04 02:48:03.243916288 1.225159e+07 0.000026 1097 0 14 5 184 611653 0.011391 3.0 25.041014 0.154393 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67395 70.10696)
2022-03-04 02:48:03.245315328 1.225160e+07 0.002708 1097 0 14 5 179 611654 0.011574 3.0 25.073477 0.154308 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67398 70.10687)
2022-03-04 02:48:03.246711808 1.225161e+07 0.006243 1097 0 14 5 199 611654 0.010433 3.0 25.123777 0.146489 50 0.0 POINT (-148.67401 70.10678)


Example Dataframe! Because there are so many of us, we might have overloaded the SlideRule server with the above request. If you were unable to generate a request, run the cell below to load pre-saved SlideRule data over the region of interest. This pre-saved file contains the exact same output that we would get if we ran the above cells.

# Read pre-saved SlideRule data into Pandas DataFrame
is2_df_subset = pd.read_csv(f'{path}sliderule_acp_rgt1097_20220304.csv')

# Convert geometry column into a format readable by GeoPandas
is2_df_subset['geometry'] = is2_df_subset['geometry'].apply(wkt.loads)

# Convert to a GeoDataFrame
is2_df_subset = gpd.GeoDataFrame(is2_df_subset, geometry='geometry', crs="EPSG:4326")

time distance spot cycle rgt dh_fit_dy pflags h_sigma w_surface_window_final gt n_fit_photons h_mean dh_fit_dx rms_misfit segment_id geometry
0 2022-03-04 02:48:03.241118976 1.225157e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.009799 3.0 50 199 25.018173 0.000780 0.138202 611652 POINT (-148.67388 70.10714)
1 2022-03-04 02:48:03.242518016 1.225158e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.010362 3.0 50 195 25.020354 0.002869 0.144591 611653 POINT (-148.67391 70.10705)
2 2022-03-04 02:48:03.243916288 1.225159e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.011391 3.0 50 184 25.041014 0.000026 0.154393 611653 POINT (-148.67395 70.10696)
3 2022-03-04 02:48:03.245315328 1.225160e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.011574 3.0 50 179 25.073477 0.002708 0.154308 611654 POINT (-148.67398 70.10687)
4 2022-03-04 02:48:03.246711808 1.225161e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.010433 3.0 50 199 25.123777 0.006243 0.146489 611654 POINT (-148.67401 70.10678)

Sample the DTM to ICESat-2 ground track#

Our ICESat-2 data is ready to go! Now it’s time to load the airborne lidar data, and co-register it with ICESat-2.

The lidar data we will use is from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks (UAF). The UAF lidar obtains snow-on and snow-off DEMs/DTMs with a 1064 nm (near-infrared) laser, from which it can also derive snow depth.

UAF lidar rasters normally have a spatial resolution of 0.5 m, which would take a long time to process for this tutorial. As a compromise between computation speed and resolution, we will use rasters that have been coarsened to 3 m resolution.

The best way to load lidar DEMs/DTMs is to use rioxarray:

Load raster data#

# File paths for UAF rasters
tifpath = '/home/jovyan/shared-public/ICESat-2-Hackweek/zachghiaccio/'
f_snow_off = f'{tifpath}coastalplain_2022aug31_dtm_3m.tif'
f_snow_on = f'{tifpath}coastalplain_2022mar12_snowdepth_3m.tif'

# Load files as rioxarray datasets
lidar_snow_off = rioxarray.open_rasterio(f_snow_off)
lidar_snow_on = rioxarray.open_rasterio(f_snow_on)

Reproject coordinates so datasets can be compared#

It is not immediately obvious, but the UAF rasters are in a different spatial projection than ICESat-2. UAF is in EPSG:32606, ICESat-2 is in WGS84/EPSG:4326.

In order to directly compare these two datasets, we are going to add reprojected coordinates to the ICESat-2 DataFrame. In essence, we will go from latitude/longitude to northing/easting. Luckily, there is an easy way to do this with GeoPandas, specifically the geopandas.to_crs() function.

# Initialize ICESat-2 coordinate projection
is2_df_subset = is2_df_subset.set_crs("EPSG:4326")

# Change to EPSG:32606
is2_df_subset = is2_df_subset.to_crs("EPSG:32606")

# Display top of dataframe
time distance spot cycle rgt dh_fit_dy pflags h_sigma w_surface_window_final gt n_fit_photons h_mean dh_fit_dx rms_misfit segment_id geometry
0 2022-03-04 02:48:03.241118976 1.225157e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.009799 3.0 50 199 25.018173 0.000780 0.138202 611652 POINT (436440.828 7778693.972)
1 2022-03-04 02:48:03.242518016 1.225158e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.010362 3.0 50 195 25.020354 0.002869 0.144591 611653 POINT (436439.341 7778684.087)
2 2022-03-04 02:48:03.243916288 1.225159e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.011391 3.0 50 184 25.041014 0.000026 0.154393 611653 POINT (436437.853 7778674.203)
3 2022-03-04 02:48:03.245315328 1.225160e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.011574 3.0 50 179 25.073477 0.002708 0.154308 611654 POINT (436436.363 7778664.305)
4 2022-03-04 02:48:03.246711808 1.225161e+07 5 14 1097 0.0 0 0.010433 3.0 50 199 25.123777 0.006243 0.146489 611654 POINT (436434.874 7778654.421)

Co-register rasters and ICESat-2#

Now, we are going to co-register both rasters to the queried ICESat-2 data. The function below is fairly long, but the gist is that we are using a spline interpolant to match both the snow-off UAF data (surface height) and UAF snow depths with ICESat-2 surface heights. The resulting DataFrame will have both ICESat-2 and UAF data in it.

# Make coregistration function
def coregister_is2(lidar_snow_off, lidar_snow_depth, is2_df):
    Co-registers UAF data with ICESat-2 data with a rectangular bivariate

    lidar_height : rioxarray dataset
        Lidar DEM/DTM in rioarray format.
    lidar_snow_depth : rioxarray dataset
        Lidar-derived snow depth in rioxarray format.
    is2_df : GeoDataFrame
        GeoDataFrame for the ICESat-2 data generated with SlideRule.

    is2_uaf_df : GeoDataFrame
        Contains the coordinate and elevation data that matches best with

    # Define x/y coordinates from snow-off data
    x0 = np.array(lidar_snow_off.x)
    y0 = np.array(lidar_snow_off.y)
    # Do the same, but for snow depth data
    xs = np.array(lidar_snow_on.x)
    ys = np.array(lidar_snow_on.y)
    # Filter NaNs that would otherwise mess up the interpolators
    dem_heights = np.array(lidar_snow_off.sel(band=1))[::-1,:]
    dem_heights[np.isnan(dem_heights)] = -9999
    dem_depths = np.array(lidar_snow_depth.sel(band=1))[::-1,:]
    dem_depths[np.isnan(dem_depths)] = -9999
    # Generate interpolators
    interp_height = RectBivariateSpline(np.array(y0)[::-1], 
    interp_depth = RectBivariateSpline(np.array(ys)[::-1],
    # Use constructed interpolators to align UAF with ICESat-2. This aligns with all six
    # ICESat-2 beams
    is2_uaf_df = pd.DataFrame()
    for beam in np.unique(is2_df['gt']):
        is2_tmp = is2_df.loc[is2_df['gt']==beam]
        # ICESat-2 x/y coordinates
        xn = is2_tmp.geometry.x
        yn = is2_tmp.geometry.y
        # Define indices within x/y bounds of DEM
        i1 = (xn>np.min(x0)) & (xn<np.max(x0))
        i1 &= (yn>np.min(y0)) & (yn<np.max(y0))
        lidar_height = interp_height(yn[i1], xn[i1], grid=False)
        lidar_snow_depth = interp_depth(yn[i1], xn[i1], grid=False)
        # Set x/y coordinates, UAF height/snow depth, and ICESat-2 heights into same DataFrame
        tmp = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data={'x': xn[i1],
                                     'y': yn[i1],
                                     'time': is2_tmp.index.values[i1],
                                     'beam': is2_tmp['gt'][i1],
                                     'lidar_height': lidar_height,
                                     'lidar_snow_depth': lidar_snow_depth,
                                     'is2_height': is2_tmp['h_mean'][i1],
                                     'h_sigma': is2_tmp['h_sigma'][i1],
                                     'dh_fit_dx': is2_tmp['dh_fit_dx'][i1]})
        # Concatenate coregistered data to DataFrame
        is2_uaf_df = pd.concat([is2_uaf_df, tmp])
        # Add latitude/longitude coordinates to new DataFrame
        transformer = Transformer.from_crs("EPSG:32606", "EPSG:4326", always_xy=True)
        is2_uaf_df['lon'], is2_uaf_df['lat'] = transformer.transform(is2_uaf_df['x'],
    return is2_uaf_df
# Co-register ICESat-2 and UAF using the above function
is2_uaf_df = coregister_is2(lidar_snow_off, lidar_snow_on, is2_df_subset)

# Convert to a GeoDataFrame
geom = gpd.points_from_xy(is2_uaf_df.lon,
is2_uaf_gpd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(is2_uaf_df,

# Display top of dataframe
x y time beam lidar_height lidar_snow_depth is2_height h_sigma dh_fit_dx lon lat geometry
142 439452.923543 7.776921e+06 142 30 26.683965 0.457813 27.205629 0.010734 0.001480 -148.593376 70.091971 POINT (-148.59338 70.09197)
144 439451.375043 7.776911e+06 144 30 26.696361 0.423185 27.192147 0.010345 -0.004178 -148.593410 70.091882 POINT (-148.59341 70.09188)
146 439449.823397 7.776901e+06 146 30 26.718985 0.515149 27.234907 0.011003 0.011683 -148.593444 70.091794 POINT (-148.59344 70.09179)
148 439448.267944 7.776892e+06 148 30 26.713260 0.620624 27.337950 0.010929 0.009041 -148.593478 70.091705 POINT (-148.59348 70.09170)
150 439446.713865 7.776882e+06 150 30 26.739161 0.638703 27.389371 0.011256 0.004028 -148.593512 70.091616 POINT (-148.59351 70.09162)

As you can see, we now have a DataFrame that includes several useful variables:

  • beam: ICESat-2 beam (gt1l, gt2l, etc.)

  • lidar_height: Snow-off surface height from UAF lidar.

  • lidar_snow_depth: Snow depth derived from UAF.

  • is2_height: ICESat-2 surface height (snow-on, in this case).

  • h_sigma: ICESat-2 height uncertainty.

  • dh_fit_dx: Along-track slope of the terrain.

With this DataFrame, it will now be very simple to derive snow depth!

Differencing to get a snowdepth#

To derive snow depth with ICESat-2, we need a snow-off DEM and ICESat-2 observations over a snow-covered surface. The variable lidar_height in our DataFrame is the snow-off DEM co-registered with ICESat-2, and we subsetted our SlideRule data to specifically look at ACP during snow-on conditions.

Thus, deriving snow depth is now as simple as taking the difference between is2_height and lidar_height:

# Derive snow depth using snow-on/snow-off differencing
is2_uaf_gpd['is2_snow_depth'] = is2_uaf_gpd['is2_height'] - is2_uaf_gpd['lidar_height']

# Estimate the difference (bias) between IS-2 depths and UAF depths
is2_uaf_gpd['snow_depth_residual'] = is2_uaf_gpd['is2_snow_depth'] - is2_uaf_gpd['lidar_snow_depth']

Visualize the result#

Horray! we finally have snow ICESat-2 snow depths! Let’s make a couple of plots with the data we have.

## Map Plot

# Create Plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(num=None, figsize=(12, 6))
box_lon = [e["lon"] for e in region]
box_lat = [e["lat"] for e in region]
lons = [p["lon"] for p in region]
lats = [p["lat"] for p in region]
lon_margin = (max(lons) - min(lons)) * 0.1
lat_margin = (max(lats) - min(lats)) * 0.1

# Plot SlideRule Ground Tracks
ax.set_title("ICESat-2 Snow Depth, RGT 1097, March 2022")
is2_uaf_gpd.plot.scatter(ax=ax, x='lon', y='lat', c='is2_snow_depth',
                             s=1.0, zorder=3, vmin=0, vmax=1.5)
world = gpd.read_file(gpd.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres'))
world.plot(ax=ax, color='0.8', edgecolor='black')
ax.plot(box_lon, box_lat, linewidth=1.5, color='r', zorder=2)
ax.set_xlim(min(lons) - lon_margin, max(lons) + lon_margin)
ax.set_ylim(min(lats) - lat_margin, max(lats) + lat_margin)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
ax.set_xlabel('Longitude', fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel('Latitude', fontsize=18)
Text(105.34722222222221, 0.5, 'Latitude')
## Along-track snow depth comparison
# Plot snow depths for the three strong beams
fig, (ax1,ax2,ax3) = plt.subplots(3)

# Left strong beam
tmp_df = is2_uaf_gpd[is2_uaf_gpd['beam']==10]
ax1.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['is2_snow_depth'], '.', label='ICESat-2')
ax1.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['lidar_snow_depth'], '.', label='UAF')

# Central strong beam
tmp_df = is2_uaf_gpd[is2_uaf_gpd['beam']==30]
ax2.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['is2_snow_depth'], '.')
ax2.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['lidar_snow_depth'], '.')
ax2.set_ylabel('Snow depth [m]', fontsize=18)

# Right strong beam
tmp_df = is2_uaf_gpd[is2_uaf_gpd['beam']==50]
ax3.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['is2_snow_depth'], '.')
ax3.plot(tmp_df['lat'], tmp_df['lidar_snow_depth'], '.')
ax3.set_xlabel('Latitude [m]', fontsize=18)

# Only include outer axis labels
for axs in [ax1, ax2, ax3]:
    axs.set_ylim([-0.5, 1.5])

Question for everyone: There’s nothing plotted for the left strong beam! Why is that? (hint: look at the map figure)

## Scatter plot of ICESat-2 depths vs. UAF depths
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
s = ax.scatter(is2_uaf_gpd['lidar_snow_depth'], is2_uaf_gpd['is2_snow_depth'],
               c=is2_uaf_gpd['snow_depth_residual'], vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5)
ax.set_xlabel('UAF snow depth [m]', fontsize=18)
ax.set_ylabel('ICESat-2 snow depth [m]', fontsize=18)
ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 1.5])
ax.set_ylim([-0.5, 1.5])
cbar = fig.colorbar(s, ax=ax)
cbar.set_label('Snow depth residual [m]')

It’s not perfect thanks to a few oddities in gt3l, but otherwise the scatter plot looks great!

As a last step, let’s add make an interactive plot using Holoviews/Geoviews. This isn’t strictly necessary and can be somewhat complex. But the Holoviews and Geoviews packages are nice tools for visualizing data.

### Read in the SnowEx lidar boxes
lidar_box = gpd.read_file(f'{path}snowex_lidar_swaths.shp')

# Geoviews map of snow depth over site
hover = HoverTool(tooltips=[('ICESat-2 depth', '@is2_snow_depth'),
                            ('UAF depth', '@lidar_snow_depth')])

# Create polygon of lidar box over map
lidar_box_poly = gv.Polygons(lidar_box).opts(color='white',

# Convert GeoDataFrame to a format plottable by Geoviews
points_on_map = gv.Points(is2_uaf_gpd, 
                          kdmins=['Longitude', 'Latitude'],
                                                               clabel='IS2-UAF depth residual [m]',

# Project data onto Mercator projection
projected = gv.operation.project(points_on_map, projection=crs.GOOGLE_MERCATOR)

# Use ESRI imagery for a tile set
world_map = gts.EsriImagery.opts(width=600, height=570)

# Generate the map figure
map_fig = (world_map * lidar_box_poly * projected).opts(xlim=(,,

WARNING:param.Points01501: Setting non-parameter attribute kdmins=['Longitude', 'Latitude'] using a mechanism intended only for parameters
WARNING:param.Points01501:Setting non-parameter attribute kdmins=['Longitude', 'Latitude'] using a mechanism intended only for parameters
WARNING:param.Points01501: Setting non-parameter attribute vdmins=['snow_depth_residual'] using a mechanism intended only for parameters
WARNING:param.Points01501:Setting non-parameter attribute vdmins=['snow_depth_residual'] using a mechanism intended only for parameters
WARNING:param.GeoPointPlot: The `color_index` parameter is deprecated in favor of color style mapping, e.g. `color=dim('color')` or `line_color=dim('color')`
WARNING:param.GeoPointPlot:The `color_index` parameter is deprecated in favor of color style mapping, e.g. `color=dim('color')` or `line_color=dim('color')`


🎉 Congratulations! You’ve completely this tutorial and have seen how to compare ICESat-2 to raster data, how to calculate ICESat-2 ATL06 products using SlideRule, and how to calculate snow depths from ICESat-2 data.


To further explore the topics of this tutorial see the following detailed documentation:


Deems, Jeffrey S., et al. “Lidar Measurement of Snow Depth: A Review.” Journal of Glaciology, vol. 59, no. 215, 2013, pp. 467–79. (Crossref),

Nuth, C., and A. Kääb. “Co-Registration and Bias Corrections of Satellite Elevation Data Sets for Quantifying Glacier Thickness Change.” The Cryosphere, vol. 5, no. 1, Mar. 2011, pp. 271–90. (Crossref),